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SELECT d.o.o. deals with the production and installation of PVC joinery. It is located in Pula, at the address Štinjanska cesta 185. The company was founded in 1999 and since then has continuously invested in technological development and human capital. The company's facility is equipped with the most modern and high-quality CNC machines, which is why precision in the production of PVC joinery is guaranteed. A professional and educated team of employees is always at the disposal of the investor with an individual approach when choosing PVC joinery.

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Satisfied clients

Years of work

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Windows manufactured per day

Technologies, expertise, innovation and design

Our values

At SELECT, great attention is paid to the development of technologies. With modern CNC machines and paperless production, great precision and speed in production is achieved. A professional and educated team of employees contributes to the development of such production, which is at the customer's disposal at all times to resolve any doubts when choosing PVC joinery. Continuous work is being done to create the highest quality product possible. It cooperates with renowned European suppliers who constantly implement new technological innovations and functional solutions. In addition to quality, great attention is paid to the creation of attractively designed products that meet the demands of investors and follow today's trends. Profile Elegant is the winner of many awards and recognitions, among which the "German Innovation Award 2020" should be highlighted.

Our values

Long-term stable business


SELECT d.o.o. is the proud holder of the AAA certificate of credit excellence, which proves long-term profitable and stable operations and confirms the quality business policy of the company.

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