After installing the PVC joinery, the customer should take care to protect it in the correct way while the construction works are in progress. Why? Such works significantly damage the carpentry and reduce its functionality. We have prepared tips on how to properly protect SELECT carpentry.

1. Protect the woodwork!

During the execution of plumbing and electrical works, protect the carpentry in order to avoid soiling and possible damage to fittings due to the formation of construction dust.

2. Protect the shutter guides!

There are brushes on the blind guides that are sensitive to dust in combination with moisture. It is recommended to protect them while the works are in progress.

3. Do not load handles and half-olives with heavy objects!

Do not hang heavy objects (work clothes, tools…) on the handles and half-bolts in order to keep them fully functional.

4. Protect the thresholds of entrance doors and sliding walls!

Make sure that the thresholds of the entrance doors and sliding walls are protected and that it is impossible to step on them.