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Insulated glass

Insulated glass

Insulated glass

“Letting in the Sun’s heat in winter and protecting against excessive heat in summer”

PVC joinery can be ordered in combination with double or triple IZO glass.

IZO double-layer glass is a glass with two glass surfaces, one of which is of the Thermofloat type with an invisible layer of a mixture of precious metals (the so-called low-emission layer LOW-E).

Technical specifications

IZO three-layer glass is a glass with three glass surfaces, two of which are of the Thermofloat type. The cavities between the glass surfaces are filled with gas (Argon or Krypton) which further reduces the heat transfer coefficient Ug.

Thermal protection is the main function of IZO window glass. Today, SELECT can offer you glass up to Ug= 0.6 W/m2K. This value is close to the coefficient of the passage of heat and cold through the walls. The cold or heat felt near the window is now a thing of the past.

In addition to standard IZO glass, we also offer ornamental glass, Stopsol and Parsol glass, as well as tempered ESG glass and Lamistal glass.

Insulated glass

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